Apply today to become a surrogate!
Give one of the greatest gifts anyone can ever give… the gift of life.
Our criteria for ideal surrogates that apply to our program. If you are unsure about anything listed below please feel free to contact us for more information. Some exceptions can be made.
Giving the precious gift of life to a couple wanting to have a child….
First of all… THANK YOU! If you have made the decision to become a surrogate or are thinking about becoming a surrogate, you have the opportunity to help in a way that only few women can. The choice to help someone who has struggled with infertility and the opportunity to create a family on their own can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
Most intended parents that turn to surrogacy have suffered from years of infertility. Statistics shows the number of individuals affected by and/or undergoing infertility treatment rise every year (1 out of 6 couples in Canada). Yet, the choice of surrogacy is still difficult and in many cases, a couple’s last resort.
Making the decision to become a surrogate…
Becoming a surrogate means devoting (on average) one year of your life to your intended parents! It’s important that you have the support of your family and friends and consider how it will affect those around you, including your children. Other important factors to consider is what strain would becoming a surrogate place on you with your family (restrictions on travel, possible bedrest), employment (if you are working) or educational future (if you are a student). It’s important to understand the process of surrogacy by considering the many factors involved.
Requirements of an Ideal Surrogate…
For those considering becoming a surrogate… do you meet the requirements, and is it right for you? If you are ready to take the next step to apply as a surrogate, you must first meet certain requirements of IVF clinics. There are exceptions in some cases, but below is what most intended parents, agencies, and clinics look for in a surrogate candidate.
- Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident
- Be between the ages of 21-49.
- BMI under 35 (depending on clinic up to 40 if no metabollic disorders are present such as diabetes/high blood pressure etc.)
- Have had a least 1 prior pregnancy/birth (exceptions are sometimes made for candidates who have not had a child).
- No history of serious pregnancy/delivery/post partum complications (some exceptions made).
- No history of premature birth (births before 34weeks gestation – unless last birth was full term).
- Be in excellent physical, emotional and mental health.
- No serious health issues.
- No serious criminal history. (Must be willing to provide a criminal background check).
- Must be willing (along with partner) to undergo psychological & medical assessments and be willing to provide all medical history.
- Must reside in a stable residence and not planning on leaving the country after 20th week of pregnancy.
- Married or in a stable relationship. (We do accept single mothers as long as you have a support system in place).
- Have a good support system. (Partner, friends, family that are supportive of your surrogacy journey).
- No serious history of clinical depression or other psychiatric disorders. (Exceptions can be made for situational depression/mild post partum depression/anxiety etc).
- Have a positive outlook on life, considerate of others, compassionate, good communicator and caring.
- Willing to have repeated bloodwork.
- Willing to take IVF medications (both oral and subcutaneous/intramuscular injections of hormones).
- Willing to have invasive medical procedures (sonohysterograms/hysterosalpingograms/endometrial biopsies/IVF transfers/amniocentesis etc).
- Willing to travel to fertility clinics, lawyers, doctor’s/ultrasound appointments.
- Able to take time away from your employer and family for surrogacy (appointments, bedrest, birth, post partum).
- Confidence in fulfilling surrogacy agreement by knowing wholeheartedly that this is the right decision for you and you can confidently say that you would have no issues with relinquishing the child(ren) you have carried at birth.
- No abuse of drugs/alcohol either currently or for at least 3 years.
- Non-smoker or willing to abstain before and during the pregnancy.
- Have not travelled to ZIKA affected areas within the past 6 weeks and will refrain from visiting any ZIKA affected areas during this process.
- Enjoy being pregnant!
- Someone who wants to help others just because they can!