Surrogate: Soraya
Hi! My name is Soraya, from Newfoundland, and I am the very lucky wife of Frederick, and the mother to 5 very active children. I was also the Gestational Surrogate to wonderful family who now have a very beautiful son.
I have loved this whole experience from start to finish and could not have done all this without the help of Sally Rhoads-Heinrich and Surrogacy in Canada Online. I come from a province where surrogacy options are very limited, but still wanted to help someone build a family. Lucky for me I found this website.
In April of 2012 I matched with a wonderful couple from Ontario, through SCO. We went through the whole process and got pregnant the first try with a very wonderful baby boy, who was born in March of 2013. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life which I will never forget! Presently, I am at the beginning of my second journey with another wonderful couple. I look forward to what the future holds!