Gordon & Chris

Gordon & Chris

Gord & Chris, a couple living in Ottawa. We are hopeful & excited to begin our journey with you.
Canadian Intended Parents Searching for a Gestational Surrogate


Ottawa, Ontario
Embryo Status:
Frozen and Tested Embryos With Create




Business Owners / Operators




Hello, we’re Gord and Chris, a couple from St. John’s, Newfoundland, living in Ottawa. I am Gord, the writer. Chris is my editor who’s watching over my shoulder. If anything is mizspelled, please blame him . (BTW, he’s my true love and best friend in life).

We’re excited you are reading our letter. As teenage sweethearts (we’ve been together since just after high school), we’ve been so happy with the love and support of each other, our family, and our friends, and we have been so very fortunate to have been blessed with one beautiful miracle, our baby girl, Florence Teresa, born to us in November 2023.

We would love to have a sister or brother, or sisters and brothers for Florence, if the wonders of this universe were to provide such blessings to our growing family … we would love the opportunity to be the best married dads the world has ever seen for our little girl and her sister/brother!!

Chris and I got married in October, before Florence was born. I have never been happier to have a husband, our first child and to be so close to the Disney-like fairy tale I have always dreamed about. We have never thought that we could be as hopeful for the future as we are now in searching for our surrogate mom to walk through our journey with us.

We are both from large families with humble backgrounds and we deeply value the family bonds we have forged. We were lucky we fell in love when we were young and understood we were meant for each other. Our focus on our families, education, and our careers has led to a rewarding life experience. Our twelve brothers and sisters have been collectively excited and supportive of our decision to grow our community of family and we take comfort in knowing that Florence, our first miracle of life, and her sister(s) or brother(s), will have the same support of a family community that we were lucky enough to have when growing up.

Throughout our life together, we have focused on helping our family and friends raise their children, providing guidance and support to our nieces and nephews. One of our nieces needed help reaching 30 Instagram followers, as a form of support, we let her take pictures of our food so she could achieve her goal. We understood it meant a lot to her and helped her achieve her goals in a safe responsible way. We are considered the favorite uncles by many of the children in our family… we believe it is because we are willing to listen to them. Their success and happiness matter to us.

We love each of our nieces and nephews and have tried to be the best uncles we can be for them. From the start, we understood that we have always dreamed of a day when we would have children. Because of our experiences with taking care of the ones who need us – we know we can care for our new family and wish so very much to continue to grow our family with a sister or brother for Florence … so that she too can experience the wonders of having a sibling to love, to grow with and to enjoy the experience of life together.

It has taken many years for our miracle to happen, for Florence to arrive into our world. At times we were wondering if the universe would grant us our precious little miracle. In 2023 we received the amazing news that has changed our lives. We are so thankful and wonder how we ever lived without our little girl .

We plan to stay raise our family in Ottawa. Many of our family members from Newfoundland, have moved to Ottawa so we now have a strong network of family and friends to share the joys of life with. It is so wonderful to be able to recreate right here in Ottawa, a smaller version of our network of family from home … to give our children that sense of community of family and relationship building that was instilled in us as kids. We will bring our children back home to Newfoundland as well so that they can see the rich family history that we share … so that they see the love and support that is there for them when they need it.

Horse racing is a family sport for us. We feel passionate about horses. Chris and I love nature in general. Fun fact: It was our love of nature that made us realize what was missing in our lives — while reflecting during our camping trips under the stars — we realized how much we wanted to be dads and we made a wish upon a star … we are wishing upon another one now . Besides camping, we love going outside to exercise regularly, enjoying outdoor activities like biking and hiking, and traveling. We look forward sharing our life experience and raising Florence to love family, friends and appreciate nature and the world around us … and to one day share this joy with Florence’s future sister and/or brother too.

As the amazing surrogate mom that you are, throughout our pregnancy together, we will take care of you like family and provide you with what you need to have a happy and healthy pregnancy as you bring our miracle to life. If you choose to help us, you will have our gratitude and you will be our hero.

We can only imagine who you are, but you are surely a wonderful caring person to undertake such a beautiful, warm, and thoughtful act of helping us bring our family dream to life. In considering surrogacy, your love of family must have helped shape your wonderful outlook on life, and the drive and energy which shines in you are the characteristics of a person that we’d love to know as the surrogate mom for our baby.

In a perfect world, we would like to have regular communication, but we understand a surrogate mom has responsibilities. We understand we have to be patient, understanding, and respectful of your space, but we hope we can become friends with you. We believe our relationship with you is important because you are our blue fairy who is helping bring our child into this world—and we want to get to know you!

Like you, we want to make the world a better place and I think we might have a lot in common. We have volunteered in the community and dedicated time and resources to helping others establish jobs and incomes in their lives. We are very lucky people who are doing our best to act as mentors to our family and friends, while also providing advice, guidance, and financial help to others in our community. We believe part of our purpose in life is to use the precious time we have to help others in as many different ways as we can because that is who we choose to be. If you feel what we feel, then maybe you can understand the need (now more than ever) to put more compassion in the world.

In time, we’ll talk to you about the best way we can set healthy boundaries, and still be there for you when you need us. We’d love and appreciate updates, and the opportunity to visit you—and you are more than welcome to visit us too!

Here are a few photos of our life and family, as well as a link to two videos that we have prepared to help you get to know us: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ntxTy2sgoP3RKpnK7


Gordon & Chris

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