Please complete form below:


MM slash DD slash YYYY


Intended Parent #1(Required)


Intended Parent #2

being the undersigned client(s), and hereafter collectively referred to as the “Intended Parent(s)”


SURROGACY IN CANADA ONLINE , an Ontario registered business hereafter referred to as “SCO”.

(together, the “Parties”)

This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions that govern the client-to-business relationship between the Intended Parent(s) and SCO. By their respective execution of this Agreement all Parties expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below.


In this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:

1. “Date of this Agreement” means the date set out at the top of Page 1, above;

2. “Surrogate” means the third party woman who has agreed to carry a child on behalf of the Intended Parent(s), who intend, for all purposes, be the only legal parents of the resulting child.

3. “Surrogacy Agreement” means the signed contract between the Surrogate and the Intended Parent(s) governing the terms of their surrogacy arrangement.

4. “Match” is deemed to have occurred once a Surrogate and the Intended Parent(s) have chosen to work with one another and ”Match Date” is the date this occurs.


1. It is the intention and goal of SCO to provide professional, personalized and ethical services for the Intended Parent(s) and Surrogate. The services include: providing resources, support and guidance to help the Intended Parent(s) and Surrogate move through the various steps necessary that are related to the surrogacy. SCO’s goal is to help make the experience less stressful for the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate, so that the focus can be on a successful and amicable surrogacy relationship.


1. At all times SCO shall comply with applicable laws including, without limitation, the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Canada), to the extent it is or may become in force during the currency of this Agreement.
2. Specifically:

  1. a. SCO does not pay Surrogates in its program.
  2. b. SCO does not provide monetary incentives for Surrogate recruitment.
  3. c. SCO does not take consideration for matching of Intended Parent(s) and Surrogates. Intended Parents and Surrogates are provided the resources to be able to match with each other.
  4. d. SCO will provide the Intended Parent(s) with guidance to legally reimburse their Surrogate for surrogacy related expenses.


1. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and of the applicable Surrogacy Agreement, SCO agrees to perform the following services in exchange for the non-refundable fees set out in Part VI, below:


  1. a)   Upon SCO’s receipt of the registration fee, SCO will
    1. i) review the completed application of the Intended parent(s);
    2. ii) provide further consultation via telephone regarding description of the surrogacy process in general, and related costs;
    3. iii) referral to IVF clinic(s) if required to start IVF process immediately;
    4. iv) provide the Intended Parent(s) with a referral to a lawyer experienced with fertility law in Canada for a complimentary legal consultation in relation to surrogacy in Canada and parentage laws in the various provinces.


  1. a)   Profile Assistance:
    1. i) assist the Intended Parent(s) to create a profile which will be placed in the SCO system, and made available to potential Surrogates for their review;
    2. ii) provide the Intended Parent(s) with free access to the SCO profile system, which is an introductory service for intended parents and Surrogates;
    3. iii) provide guidance to the Intended Parent(s) with respect to usage of the SCO profile system and management of their profile.
  2. b)   Once a self-match has occurred:
    1. i) referrals of the Intended Parent(s) to fertility clinic(s) that SCO believes would best benefit the Intended Parent(s) situation and location;
    2. ii) referral of the potential Surrogate to fertility clinic(s) that SCO believes would best counsel, treat and advise the Surrogate;
    3. iii) referral of the Intended Parent(s) to a licensed, qualified mental health professional to support, counsel and advise the Intended Parent(s) prior to the signing of a Surrogacy Agreement;
    4. iv) referral of the potential Surrogate (and her spouse, if she has one) to a licensed, qualified mental health professional to support, counsel and advise the Surrogate prior to the signing of a Surrogacy Agreement;
      v) referral of the Intended Parent(s) to a licensed insurance broker for life insurance for the potential Surrogate, and if required, medical and/or out of country travel insurance for the potential Surrogate;
    5. vi) communication with the potential Surrogate to confirm her informed consent to act as a Surrogate;
    6. vii) consultation with the potential Surrogate in order to assist with the facilitation of a harmonious relationship with the Intended Parent(s);
    7. viii) require that the potential Surrogate have a phone or in person consultation with SCO confirming that she is prepared to move forward with a surrogacy arrangement;
    8. ix) provide legal referrals to experienced fertility lawyers for each of the potential Surrogate and the Intended Parent(s). If the surrogacy proceeds in Ontario, Ontario law requires that a written agreement with a separate lawyer for each of the Surrogate and the Intended Parent(s) must be signed before the embryo transfer in order to avoid having to obtain a post-birth court parental order. Referral fees are not paid to SCO.


  1. a) if required, assistance with coordination of IVF procedures with the Intended Parent(s), Surrogate and fertility clinic;
  2. b) if required, coordinate with Surrogate to ensure her attendance at fertility clinic and other appointments;
  3. c) if required, provide email, text/Facebook messaging and/or telephone support (depending on preference) to the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate as needed throughout the surrogacy journey;
  4. d) if required, provide information to access confidential counselling and mediation services for the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate, upon request;
  5. e) if required, provide the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate with access to online support groups for professional and peer support;
  6. f) share up-to-date media/legislative reports on surrogacy in Canada to help keep the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate informed;
  7. g) if required, arrange for support at appointments and/or delivery of the child if additional support is needed (some limitations with distance);
  8. h) if required, assist with travel, lodging arrangements and logistics for the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate;
  9. i) if required, provide guidance to the Intended Parent(s) with respect to the self-management and record keeping of the Surrogate’s expense reimbursements;
  10. j) provide support and guidance to the Surrogate throughout the surrogacy process;
  11. k) provide support and guidance to the Intended Parent(s) with respect to their relationship with the Surrogate;
  12. l) if required, acting, where appropriate, as an intermediary between the Intended Parent(s) and the Surrogate in the event of misunderstanding or disagreement.

D. ADDITIONAL SERVICES (if applicable/required):

  1. a) referrals to acupuncturists, massage therapists, chiropractors (when requested by the Intended Parent(s) or as per the Surrogacy Agreement);
  2. b) referrals for the Surrogate to birthing coaches and doulas to assist her throughout the pregnancy (when requested by the Intended Parents(s) or as per the Surrogacy Agreement);
  3. c) referrals for the Intended Parent(s) to breast feeding clinics, nannies, night nurses, reference books and materials, etc., as required to assist the Intended Parent(s) in early parenthood stages;
  4. d) assist with DNA testing protocols and referrals to DNA testing companies and laboratories;
  5. e) referrals for the Intended Parent(s) to a fertility lawyer to assist with the post-birth legal process in the relevant province of birth.


1. SCO shall, at no charge:

  1. a) assist, and consult with the Intended Parent(s) with respect to the available Surrogates and who might be most appropriate given the Intended Parents’ location and circumstances; and
  2. b) assist, and consult with, the Intended Parent(s), with respect to proposing alternative candidates in the event that a Surrogacy Agreement is not entered into with the initial Surrogate who self-matched with the Intended Parent(s).


1. SCO’s membership services are valid for a period that is the lesser of:

  1. a) eighteen months from the Date of this Agreement; and
  2. b) upon three embryo transfers occurring with the Intended Parents’ Surrogate,
    and in either case, membership must be renewed for services to continue.

2. SCO requires that the Intended Parent(s) pay a non-refundable fee per membership period, set out as follows, and payable no later than the Date of this Agreement:

SCO Surrogacy Service Fee                $8,500.00 (includes 13% HST for Canadian residents)

3. Regardless of Part VI, Section 1, above, SCO reserves the right to terminate the membership of the Intended Parent(s) prior to the occurrence of 1 a) or b), without any refund, in the event SCO becomes aware that:

  1. a) there are concerns for the Surrogate’s safety or wellbeing, due the actions of the Intended Parent(s) or their affiliates; OR
  2. b) the Intended Parent(s) have failed to maintain respect and courtesy to SCO staff, and/or have become offensive to any of SCO’s staff; OR
  3. c) there is information regarding the Intended Parent(s) that is offensive to Canadian laws or the laws within the jurisdictions in which the Intended Parent(s) reside; OR
  4. d) the Intended Parent(s) have spoken offensively or negatively in regards to SCO or their Surrogate, including but limited to, any social media platforms; OR
  5. e) the Intended Parent(s) have breached any one of the provisions of this agreement.
  6. f) the Intended Parent(s) no longer wishes to move forward with the process.
  7. g) the Intended Parent(s) have found a match with a surrogate either through another surrogacy program or privately and have not informed SCO (or the surrogate they may have matched with through the SCO program. (All parties must be transparent, honest and consenting). (In the event of a match outside of the SCO program the Intended Parent(s) profile will be archived until membership period is expired).
  8. h) the Intended Parent(s) share confidential information about a surrogate with anyone that does not have permission to have access to the surrogate’s information.

  9. 4. Membership begins upon receipt of payment/payment receipt is submitted. There are no holds during the membership period. Intended Parents will send in their profile story as soon as possible to start introductions to Surrogates.

    5. There are no guarantees that Intended Parents will match with a surrogate. Surrogates are choosing the Intended Parent(s) they would like to help.

    6. There are no refunds.


1. I/We, the Intended Parent(s), agree to the following responsibilities:

  1. a) to provide to SCO the required amounts as set out in the fee schedule in Part V, above;
  2. b) once a Surrogate has chosen to work with me/us, and the journey is pursued, I/we understand immediate arrangements are to be made to start my/our surrogate’s medical/psychological screening at the clinic and arrange to have the embryo transfer within 6 months. We understand either SCO will make a referral to the IVF clinic, or we can make our own referral. We agree to let SCO know our preference within 10 days of a Match Date, as defined in Section I, above. We acknowledge that:
    1. i) exceptions may include a request by the Surrogate to start at a later time;
    2. ii) delays of 6 months or more significantly increase the chances of our surrogate quitting;
    3. iii) we will communicate regularly with our Surrogate; and
    4. iv) we will provide our Surrogate with reimbursement of her expenses directly and in a timely manner in order to prevent the Surrogate being inconveniently out of pocket.
  3. c) to submit to such psychological and/or medical examinations and treatment as deemed necessary and reasonable by the applicable mental health professionals and physicians. It is understood and acknowledged that minimum requirements will include psychological and physical examination of me/us, including but not limited to testing for HIV and other venereal diseases; and
  4. d) to otherwise reasonably cooperate with SCO, the Surrogate, the clinic and other professionals involved in order to proceed with the surrogacy.
  5. e) international/non-resident Intended Parent(s) will purchase medical newborn insurance coverage or have funds in place to make payments in the event of medical bills.
  6. f) to make all effort to travel to and attend/assist the Surrogate by 38weeks of pregnancy in anticipation of the birth. Failure of Intended Parent(s) to be at the birth and possible early Surrogate discharge can result in hospital deeming the baby (or babies) as abandoned and going into Foster Care.
  7. g) to inform the Surrogate of any serious health issues, infectious diseases, address change or change in relationship status.
  8. h) for a sibling journey (with same Surrogate) and to ensure the Surrogate can receive ongoing support, Intended Parents agree to pay the SCO renewal fee (50% reduction in membership fee).
  9. i) to not share the confidential information about any Surrogate in the SCO program at any time, or contact Surrogates from existing profiles after the membership period.
  10. j) to not engage in dual surrogacy (two surrogates at the same time) or request dual surrogacy as it is not ethical or recommended.


1. We/I understand and acknowledge as follows:

  1. a) It is my/our desire to enter into a surrogacy arrangement with a woman (and if applicable, her spouse/partner) to be my/our Surrogate in an attempt to become parents (or a parent);
  2. b) SCO did not coerce, induce or unduly influence my/our decision to apply to be an intended parent;
  3. c) in order to gain access to the members section of SCO, my/our contact information is required and both my email and the IP address will be recorded by SCO;
  4. d) with my/our Application to SCO, I/we did certify, and I/we continue to certify herein, that I/we am requesting access to the members section of SCO for the sole purpose of reviewing profiles of prospective Surrogates. All other purposes are strictly unauthorized. I/we further acknowledge that to protect the privacy of all participants of the SCO program, both my/our email and IP address will be used to pursue legal action against me/us for attempting to gain access to this program for any other purpose(s);
  5. e) SCO is not party to any agreement that I/we may enter into with a Surrogate and if applicable, her spouse;
  6. f) SCO is actively recruiting Canadian surrogate mothers and doing intake to assess their suitability (final psychological/medical screening and suitability is done by the IVF clinic and social worker/psychologist).
  7. g) A Surrogate has the right to change her mind and not move forward with this process, even if she has already told me/us she wants to proceed with me/us.
  8. h) Once a Surrogate has chosen to work with me/us, I/we shall notify SCO immediately and my/our profile will be marked as ‘Matched’, and I/we will no longer receive profiles of available Surrogates (or have access to other available Surrogates) unless:
    1. i) a Surrogate who has chosen to work with me/us does not meet either the psychological or medical criteria required for her to be a successful candidate; or
    2. ii) a Surrogate who has indicated to me/us that she wishes to work with me/us, thereafter changes her mind, in which case, SCO will mark my/our profile as ‘searching again’, and return my/our profile and contact information back into the SCO system to allow us the opportunity to work with a different Surrogate.
  9. i)
    1. i) A surrogacy arrangement is expensive and I/we will accommodate my/our Surrogate’s expenses accordingly. I/We have the appropriate funds (or access to these funds) when I/we agree to start the surrogacy process. SCO recommends that generally, intended parents have $80,000 CDN budgeted for those who do not have embryos and $60,000 CDN budgeted for those who have embryos frozen.  These budgets do not include intended parent(s) travel expenses, additional IVF procedures or the SCO consulting fee;
    2. ii) Surrogates in Canada cannot be paid a fee, but they can receive reimbursement of expenses related to the surrogacy upon presentation of a receipt. We acknowledge SCO’s recommendation that intended parents have a budget of $20,000-$35,000 set aside for the Surrogate’s expenses; and
    3. iii) I/We have reviewed and understand the Breakdown of Anticipated Expenses attached as Schedule ‘A’, and further acknowledge that the expenses set out in Schedule ‘A’ are general approximations only.
  10. j) I/We have consulted (or plan to consult) with a fertility lawyer before proceeding with SCO to understand the Assisted Human Reproduction Act of Canada and how it applies to me/us. 
  11. k) in keeping with transparency and supportive community, SCO has an open profile system in the members section. Profiles can be seen by Surrogates and Intended Parents. Up to date ratios of Intended Parents and Surrogates can be seen at all times. Intended Parents are not capped, we continue to accept new Intended Parents as long as new surrogates joining (ratio is determined by SCO).
  12. k) I/We agree to keep SCO informed of:
    1. a) when a Surrogate chooses to work with me/us (regardless of how match occurred – agency, private, family, website etc.);
    2. b) our preference under Part VII, 1 b), above whether we wish SCO to send in an IVF clinic referral on our behalf, or we will make the referral ourselves:
    3. c) when a Surrogacy Agreement is signed;
    4. d) embryo transfer date(s)
    5. e) pregnancies;
    6. f) failed transfers/miscarriages; and
    7. g) births.
  13. l)
    1. i) I/We agree to respond to emails from SCO within 14 days or my/our profile will be archived and membership put on temporary suspension. Failure to respond after 30 days will result in loss of membership. In order to avoid suspension or loss of membership, I/we acknowledge that I/we will notify SCO of extended leaves, vacations during which I/we do not wish to be contacted, or periods during which I/we will take a ‘hiatus’ from our search; and
    2. ii) I/We agree to inform SCO if, at any time during my/our membership, I/we no longer wish to (or unable to) proceed with a surrogacy arrangement. As well, I/we agree to inform SCO if during my/our membership, I/we have found an independent match or match through another surrogacy consultant/organization. SCO does not support dual surrogacy (two surrogates at the same time) due to the complexities and ethical issues. Under these circumstances the profile page of the intended parents(s) is archived and access to available surrogates/member section is restricted (unless the surrogate you have matched with would like to join SCO). There are no refunds for an independent or agency match outside of the SCO program.
  14. m) I/We agree to respect the confidentiality of Surrogates I/we have received profiles for and will delete all profiles/images/emails after my/our membership has expired and will not contact prior Surrogates I/we’ve received profiles for. (Surrogates are expecting to be contacted by Surrogacy in Canada Online members only).
  15. n) I/We will not forward a Surrogate’s profile/information to any third person/entity, including without limitation clinics, lawyers, other members, non-members, friends and relatives, without prior written permission of that particular Surrogate.
  16. o) SCO will ensure my/our application and the information I/we provided with it to be kept strictly confidential unless I/we have given express permission for it to be shared with a potential Surrogate or surrogacy professional (IVF clinic/doctor/lawyer/psychologist/social worker).
  17. p) To the best of my/our knowledge, I/we have provided SCO with complete, true and accurate information about my/ourselves in our online Application.
  18. q) I/We support our surrogate’s decision to share pictures and updates with SCO for use on social media platforms while respecting the confidentiality of the intended parent(s). At no time will SCO share identifying information on the intended parent(s) without permission. Sharing pictures and updates helps to promote and inspire other women who are considering becoming surrogates.
  19. r) Surrogates enjoy attending our annual retreats to receive support and meet other surrogates in the SCO program. Retreats are optional to surrogates and we ask Intended Parents to encourage their Surrogate to take time to come and enjoy the community aspect of our program. The feedback we have received over the years has been that our retreats are a valuable part of why surrogates sign up with us and they also keep your surrogate engaged and committed to the surrogacy process. Peer support is essential to a successful surrogacy journey. Intended Parents agree to pay an additional $500 to SCO for their Surrogate to attend and reimburse her (and partner if applicable) for travel costs (mileage/flights). The $500 fee is used to help subsidize the cost of your surrogate’s private hotel accommodations and food.


1. SCO cannot guarantee, and makes no representations or warranties:

  1. a) that I/we will find a suitable Surrogate, and I/we recognize that the Surrogate makes the final decision as to which intended parent(s) she would like to move forward with;
  2. b) that the Surrogate will ultimately choose me/us to move forward with, as there may be other intended parents contacting the same Surrogate we are in contact with;
  3. c) that the Surrogate will comply with or honor the terms and conditions of her Surrogacy Agreement with me/us, although SCO will encourage the Surrogate to do so;
  4. d)
    1. i) that a Surrogate will conceive a child as a result of the embryo transfer, or
    2. ii) that if she does so conceive, the child will be mentally and physically healthy and/or free of birth or congenital defects or abnormalities,
      and the Intended Parent(s) release SCO, its employees and representatives, and hold SCO, its employees and representatives harmless with respect thereto;

2. SCO makes no representations, warranties or guarantees regarding the potential Surrogate and the surrogacy process and I/we understand and agree that SCO cannot predict or control the Surrogate and her spouse/partner. Furthermore, I/we acknowledge that SCO, its employees and representatives do not have the authority or ability to predict or control my/our actions, conduct, negligence, or my/our failures to act, nor the authority or ability to predict or control the actions, conduct, negligence, or failure to act of the Surrogate and/or her spouse/partner, and we release SCO, its employees and representatives, and hold SCO, its employees and representatives harmless with respect thereto.

3. SCO is not responsible for:

  1. a) any medical costs incurred by me/us for medical testing and other expenses we incur on behalf of the Surrogate, and I/we indemnify SCO completely with respect thereto;
  2. b) any costs for counselling and/or psychological testing and other expenses we incur on behalf of the Surrogate, and I/we indemnify SCO completely with respect thereto.

4. SCO is not acting, and shall not, at any time act:

  1. a) in a medical capacity, and makes no representations or warranties with respect to the physical, emotional or psychological health of the Surrogate at any point during the Surrogacy process, including without limitation at the point of the embryo transfer, during the pregnancy and at the time of birth;
  2. b) in a legal capacity, and cannot offer advice on legal issues or implications which may arise or occur as a result of the surrogacy arrangement and procedure, and/or as a result of the Surrogacy Agreement.

5. SCO shall not be liable for the performance of any actions or omissions of any third parties (other agencies, clinics, lawyers, doctors, etc.).

6. SCO cannot guarantee that any Surrogacy Agreement, or portion of it, or this Agreement, or portion of it, may or will be enforced by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction.

7. I/We hereby release and discharge SCO, its employees and representatives from all liability and all manners of action, suits, causes of actions, proceedings, debts, claims, and demands whatsoever in law or equity resulting from my/our decision to engage in surrogacy and any adverse consequences or damages that may result from my/our involvement with the surrogacy process.

8. I/We hereby agree to indemnify, and hold harmless SCO, its employees and representatives against liability as well as against loss, and for any and all costs I/we incur or have incurred defending any complaints, actions or claims as directly or indirectly related to the services I/we received from SCO.


1. There are no representations, collateral agreements, warranties or conditions affecting this Agreement or the Release/Indemnification set out at Schedule ‘B’ hereto, which is contained with the online Intended Parent Application I/we have already submitted. There are no implied agreements arising from this Agreement, and this Agreement between the Parties, together with the provisions of Schedule ‘B’ attached, constitute the complete understanding and agreement between SCO and the Intended Parent(s).

2. The Intended Parent(s) and SCO acknowledge that they fully understand this Agreement and that they are signing it freely, without coercion. The Intended Parent(s) confirm that they have either obtained, or had the opportunity to obtain, independent legal advice regarding this Agreement.

3. No supplement, revision, amendment or modification of this Agreement will be binding unless signed and dated by all Parties to this Agreement.

4. In the event Sally Rhoads-Heinrich cannot, due to health, infirmity or other matters beyond her control (such as weather incident or pandemic) perform the obligations of Surrogacy in Canada Online as set out in this Consulting Agreement, then:

  1. i) I/we will be notified by her chosen agent; and
  2. ii) I/we will be issued a refund or credit based on a reasonably accurate percentage of services rendered; and/or
  3. iii) I will not owe further monies unless the service has already been provided.

5. This Agreement will be governed by, subject to, and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada as applicable.

Breakdown of Anticipated Expenses

Consulting Fees

SCO Consulting Fee           $8,500.00 (includes 13% HST for Canadian residents)

Please note that all items listed herein are approximations only and are not to be taken as an accurate amount of expenses and/or fees incurred on your surrogacy journey. Only approximations can be provided to you as there are many undetermined factors for each journey that may increase or decrease the expenses and/or fees. All costs, expenses and fees set forth herein shall be non-refundable.

Surrogate Expenses

Surrogate Travel Medical Insurance (Only required if your Surrogate must travel outside of Canada for fertility treatments and/or for any other reason required for the Surrogacy arrangement).
Please contact your insurance provider.
Surrogate Clinic Screening Fee (Based on our experience of working with various fertility clinics). **CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK**
Please contact your Fertility Clinic for a breakdown of these fees.
Surrogate Screening Expenses*
Approx. $300-$500 (for Surrogates within the same province as your Fertility Clinic).
Approx. $1,500 (for Surrogates outside the province of your Fertility Clinic).
Intended Parent(s) Clinic Screening Fee
Please contact your Fertility Clinic for a breakdown of these fees.
Intended Parent(s) Screening Expenses
Varies depending on where you are travelling from.
Legal Fees (Drafting and Signing of Surrogacy Agreement)
Approx. $3,500 (for Intended Parent(s))
Approx. $1,500 (for Surrogates)
Legal Fees (Preparation of Surrogate’s Will)
Approx. $800
Clinic Fees (Based on our experience of working with various fertility clinics; Includes Fresh Cycle, Medication and Subsequent Frozen Cycle).
Approx $15,000-20,000
Monitoring Appointments* (Pre-Transfer and during the first 3 months of Pregnancy)
Approx. $200 (for Blood Work) Approx. $300 (for Ultrasound)
Transfer Expenses*
Approx. $800 (for Surrogates within the same province as your Fertility Clinic).
Approx. $2,000 (for Surrogates outside the province of your Fertility Clinic).
Basic Monthly Reimbursement Expense (Broken down over a 10 month period) All.
Approx. $20,000-$35,000: all expense reimbursement request(s) made by a Surrogate are required to be backed-up with receipts.
Life Insurance Expense
Approx. $500
Multiples Expense
Maternity Clothing Expense
$500 (for Singleton)
$750 (for Multiples)
Lost Wage/Bed Rest Expense (Depending on Surrogate, Childcare Costs and Age of Children)
Approx. $6,000
Legal Fees (Drafting and Filing of Declaration of Parentage, if required in Province of Birth and/or international home country)
Approx. $6,000
C-Section Expense

Egg/Sperm/Embryo Donor Fees and Expenses

Egg Donor Legal Fees and Expenses
Approx. $5,000-$8,000
Sperm Donor Legal Fees and Expenses
Please contact your Fertility Clinic for a breakdown of these fees and expenses.
Embryo Legal Fees and Expenses
Please contact your Fertility Clinic for a breakdown of these fees and expenses.


*Some Anticipated Expenses that your Surrogate may request for reimbursement are as follows:

  • Lost Wages-discuss with your lawyer
  • Gas Expense – calculated at government set mileage rate
  • Go Train/VIA Rail – Actual fare cost (Approx. $20-$100 depending on where the Surrogate is travelling from)
  • Flight – Varies depending on where the Surrogate is travelling from
  • Taxi – varies according to start location: between $30-$50 from train station/airport to central Toronto
  • Parking – Approx. $20
  • Hotel – Approx. $300 per night
  • Travel Meal Allowance – $100 daily
  • Childcare – Approx. $35-$100/day
  • Partner/Support Person Travel Expenses
  • Medications/Syringes/Pregnancy Tests
  • Vitamins/Supplements
  • Health/Fitness
  • Pregnancy related hygiene and support items
  • Breastmilk pumping supplies/shipping
  • Expenses incurred for invasive procedures (ie, amniocentesis, termination)
  • Acupuncture, massage therapy, other alternative therapies
  • Doula/Birthing coach


1. It is my/our desire to enter into a surrogacy arrangement with a surrogate and her spouse/partner in an attempt to become parents (or parent).

2. Surrogacy in Canada Online did not coerce, induce or unduly influence my/our decision to apply to be an intended parent.

3. Surrogacy in Canada Online is not party to any agreement that I/we may enter into with a surrogate.

4. Surrogacy in Canada Online makes no representations, warranties or guarantees regarding the potential surrogate and the surrogacy process and I/we understand and agree that they cannot predict or control the surrogate and her spouse/partner or how a court may interpret or enforce any surrogacy agreement I/we may enter into with a surrogate and her spouse/partner. Furthermore, I/we acknowledge that Surrogacy in Canada Online, their employees and representatives do not have the authority or ability to predict or control my/our actions, conduct, negligence, or my/our failures to act nor the authority or ability to predict or control the actions, conduct, negligence, or failure to act of the surrogate mother and/or her spouse/partner.

5. Surrogacy in Canada Online will ensure my/our application and the information I/we provided with it to be kept strictly confidential unless I/we have given expressed permission for it to be shared with a potential surrogate or surrogacy professional (IVF clinic/doctor/lawyer/psychologist/social worker).

6. I/We hereby release and discharge Surrogacy in Canada Online, their employees and representatives from all liability and all manners of action, suits, causes of actions, proceedings, debts, claims, an demands whatsoever in law or equity resulting from my/our decision to engage in surrogacy and any adverse consequences or damages that may result from my/our involvement with the surrogacy process.

7. I/We hereby agree to indemnify, and hold harmless Surrogacy in Canada Online, their employees and representatives against liability as well as against loss, and for any and all costs incurred defending any complaints, actions or claims as directly related to the services I/we received.

8. I/We have had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel regarding this Release and Indemnification and have done so or have decided on our own accord not to consult with legal counsel.

9. I/We understand that Surrogacy in Canada Online services do not guarantee a match with a potential surrogate and/or the live birth of a child.

10. I/We agree to inform Surrogacy in Canada Online if, at any time during my/our membership, I/we no longer wish to (or unable to) proceed with a surrogacy arrangement. As well I/we agree to inform Surrogacy in Canada Online if I/we during my/our membership have found an independent match or match through another surrogacy consultant/organization.

11. I/We understand that in order to gain access to the members section of Surrogacy in Canada Online, my/our contact information is required and that both my email and the IP address will be recorded by Surrogacy in Canada Online.

12. I/We hereby certify that I am requesting access to the members section solely for the purpose of looking at prospective surrogates. All other purposes are unauthorized. I further acknowledge that to protect the privacy of all participants in Surrogacy in Canada Online program, both my email and IP address will be used to pursue legal action against me/us for attempting to gain access to this program for any other purposes.

13. I/We agree to maintain a level of respect and courtesy to all Surrogacy in Canada Online staff and members. Failure to do so will result in my/our immediate removal as members of Surrogacy in Canada Online.

14. I/We understand THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR THESE SERVICES. This includes if at any time during the membership Intended Parent(s) decide for any reason to not continue with SCO services.


I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.


Sally Rhoads-Heinrich, Owner