Rana & Sonia

Rana & Sonia

Can’t wait to meet you, the most generous and kind woman and start this amazing journey.
Canadian Intended Parents Searching for a Gestational Surrogate


Toronto, Ontario
Embryo Status:
3 frozen embroys




Accounts(Rana) / Administration (Sonia)



Well, buckle up and grab your popcorn because you’re about to dive into the whirlwind world of Rana and Sonia!

Hey there! We’re Rana and Sonia, the dynamic duo who’s just as excited to e-meet you as a kid in a candy store. In a world where genuine kindness and strength are rarer than a sunny day in November, we hold you in the highest esteem. Your willingness to embark on this journey of helping intended parents like us fills our hearts with deepest gratitude. Seriously, you’re a rockstar, and we’re sending you more virtual high-fives than a group of overly enthusiastic dolphins.

So, picture this: a chance encounter in the hallowed halls of university, is where our story begins. What started as a simple “hello” in the lecture hall soon blossomed into a friendship so deep, we knew that we were destined for more. A classic tale of friendship turned love, sprinkled with a dash of Indian spices and a whole lot of Canadian maple syrup. Yep, that’s us! We met in university and instantly clicked like two puzzle pieces finding their perfect match. Fast forward many years, and we are still each other’s favorite person (yes, even after eight years of marriage😊). Rana, with his calm demeanor and witty charm, is the yin to Sonia’s yang, whose bubbly energy and zest for life lights up even the gloomiest of days. But hey, opposites attract, right? And boy, do we make one heck of a team! Together, we are like a perfectly blended smoothie, each complementing the other in the most delightful way possible.

Let us introduce you to Sonia, who happens to be yours truly, the storyteller for today. She’s the elder of two siblings, growing up surrounded by the warmth and love of her parents, grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts. Her dad was a doctor, while her mom was the queen of homemaking. Now, here’s where life throws a curveball: Sonia’s dad, being a gynecologist, has helped countless women bring new life into the world. But here’s the twist – Sonia herself is struggling to welcome her own little bundle of joy. Life, huh? It’s never exactly fair. But you know what? Despite the challenges, Sonia’s faith remains steadfast. She believes with all her heart that her dad, up there in the great beyond, is cheering them on, nudging them towards parenthood from his celestial perch. He’s like their guardian angel in this journey.

Now, let’s shift gears a bit and meet Rana. His parents? Well, they’ve been rocking the marriage game for over four decades now, and he’s the big brother among three siblings. Rana’s father is an astute businessman and his mother is a housewife. Rana has a set of close friends who he has been buddies with since childhood and they continue to be thick to this day.

Now, let’s talk about us, both families deeply value education and that led both of us to university where we pursued MBA (you can call Rana the nerdy types, not me😊). We come from completely different worlds, different cultures, different upbringings. But here’s the kicker – deep down, our values are rooted in the same soil. Family is everything to us and keeps us grounded. Although we come from such different worlds, we ensure that we are walking on the same path as a married couple (well, most days at least😊). Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of Toronto city life, we have created our own little oasis of happiness, where every day feels like a warm hug from a beloved friend. With hearts as warm and cozy as a hug from a fluffy teddy bear, we come from big, loving families who taught us the importance of sticking together through thick and thin, like a pack of loyal penguins in a snowstorm. Surrounded by the love and support of our families, we learned early on the true value of togetherness and the unbreakable bonds of kinship.

Welcome to our humble abode, our home and to our life, nestled in the heart of Toronto’s vibrant neighborhoods, where every corner holds a story waiting to be told. Surrounded by greenery, close to parks, schools, and all the essentials, it’s got that warm, welcoming vibe. Our home is filled with the laughter of friends and family, a sanctuary of love and joy eagerly awaiting the patter of tiny feet. From impromptu dance parties in the living room, to binge-watching Netflix series until the wee hours of the morning, to lazy Sunday strolls in the park to culinary adventures exploring the city’s eclectic flavors we love spending time with each other. And let’s not forget traveling’s our jam, we love soaking up different cultures and trying out new cuisines. We have visited almost all the continents, Africa being the only pending one which we hope to soon visit. Our recent trip to Paris last winter has been one of the most memorable trips that we have taken till date – there’s something about Paris, we must say.

Oh, and did we mention our day jobs? We have full time rewarding careers, Rana’s crunching numbers in the financial sector while Sonia’s the administrative whiz in a tech company. We have flexibility to work from home and have mastered the art of work-life balance like pros, because family always comes first, even if it means sacrificing that extra slice of pizza at work (but let’s be real, who needs pizza when you have love? Okay, maybe they still need pizza😊).

Now, let’s talk about our journey to parenthood. Buckle up, because it’s been a wild ride! Tears, pain, disappointment, frustration, deep sadness, anger, we have experienced it all. Despite doctor visits and medical tests to fill a small library and rounds of IVFs, the elusive joy of holding our own child remains beyond our grasp. The most frustrating part, there is no clear medical reason that our doctors have been able to identify over the years why Sonia is unable to carry and ultimately, we were suggested the path of surrogacy. In the face of adversity, we’ve found resilience and unwavering hope. With three precious frozen embryos waiting in the wings and hearts brimming with anticipation, we’re diving into the whirlwind journey of surrogacy, knowing that with your help, our dream of building our family will soon be a reality.

Our commitment to you, we’re all about building a partnership and friendship based on trust and respect, and maybe a sprinkle of fairy dust while being totally cool with your privacy and boundaries. We are in this together and it’s a team effort, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Your well-being, comfort, and feelings? Top priority. We’ve got your back, emotionally and financially. And yup, we’ll cover all the expenses associated with the pregnancy timely. Let’s talk about staying connected. We’re totally down for whatever works best for you – in-person, texts, calls, or just a virtual hug when you need it most, you name it. We respect your space, so we’re cool with more or less contact, whatever floats your boat. And hey, we’re committed to being there throughout whether it be for appointments and ultrasounds, during the delivery cheering you on throughout the journey keeping in mind your comfort level all along. After the delivery? If you’re up for it, we’d love to stay in touch. Whether it’s sharing updates or celebrating milestones, we want you to feel supported every step of the way.

Wait, did we mention about the hero of this story– so, grab your cape, because you’re about to become the (super)hero in this adventure♥️

Here’s to new beginnings, to the invaluable gift of friendship, and to the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Thank you for being a beacon of hope, a guiding light in the darkness. With hearts full of gratitude and excitement, we eagerly await the next chapter of our story, knowing that with you in our corner, anything is possible.

Together, we’ll create a story worth telling.

Let the ride begin!

Rana & Sonia

Rana & Sonia

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