Surrogate: Jennifer
My name is Jennifer and I’m from Chatham, Ontario. I am 33 and mother to one incredible four year old boy and step mother to two beautiful girls. My husband Jay is a licensed carpenter and I work as a personal assistant/housekeeper. We live in a comfortable house in a great neighbourhood very close to the wonderful school my son will attend this fall.
In February 2012 I decided to become a surrogate. It was something I had always thought I could do for someone and I was finally ready to start the process. I went online to find more information and that’s when I came across Sally’s website. I filled out the application and within a few days I was approved and looking at intended parent profiles. It wasn’t long before I began speaking with a wonderful couple that both my husband and I felt a connection with. We met in person about a week later and were matched! It was a very exciting time for all of us. They were very happy to have met us as I was the first surrogate they had actually spoken to.
We started the approval process right away. The process from our first meeting to our first embryo transfer moved rather quickly. We matched in March and transferred in June. I became pregnant on the first try with one baby. Unfortunately we suffered a miscarriage at 11 weeks in August 2012. We were all crushed and disappointed. After taking some time to think things through we all decided to give it another try. In December 2012 my intended mother went through another egg retrieval and our second transfer was scheduled. Come transfer day we were all dealt another devastating blow: all the eggs retrieved were genetically abnormal and unsuitable for transfer. What a shock. This was their final attempt at a 100% genetic child. They were heartbroken.
About a month or so later they contacted me and said they were ready to get an egg donor and try again. I was surprised to hear this but excited and happy that they weren’t giving up so easily. So here we are in June 2013 and I have just started meds again prepping for our second transfer next month. I’m hoping this is “the one!”
I’m so glad I’ve made this decision to be a surrogate. Even though the last year and a half has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, I have no regrets and would make the same choices again. I have a loving, supportive family who is always here for me. I have great IPs who are patient and understanding. I so badly want to help make their dreams come true and someday hand them their baby. No one deserves to be parents more and I know their child will be loved and cherished every day.
If I have any advice to pass on to another woman considering becoming a surrogate it would be to make sure you really think it through entirely. You have to be ready to handle whatever the process could possibly throw at you. You’ll need the support of the people closest to you, your husband, children and close family. And make sure you choose intended parents that share the same opinions and views on the important things in your arrangement.